This was first report by Indian Express. Under the Rs 399 plan, Vodafone India is offering 90GB of 4G data to its users for 6 months. Along with the data benefits, it is also offering unlimited voice calling ability for its users. There is no clear statement by Vodafone if the offer is for the fresh or existing Vodafone user. Chances are that this Rs 399 offer is a limited one and is celebrate the on-going festive season. Basically, a gift from Vodafone to its users. Note: This offer could be limited to select circles only, so you may require to check before recharging.
This new tariff plan by Vodafone India straight counters Reliance Jio and Airtel's Rs 399 plan. First coming to the Vodafone plan, let's observe what it offers. The Vodafone Rs 399 plan offers 90 GB of 4G data all along with unlimited voice calls for 6 months. This plan is limited to the Vodafone prepaid users only. For the postpaid users, there is an additional plan that costs Rs 499 -- although there are reports of a number of users getting a discount of Rs 100 if they talk to customer care -- that gives the similar benefit. This plan to offers 1GB data per day for 3 months along with unlimited calls. Interested customers can call at 9582566666. It should be noted that, because this plan is a part of a Diwali gift from Vodafone to its customers, we are still not sure if it's a limited offer or will continue after Diwali.
jio is better but only network issue sometime